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Living With Another Writer

When I arrived at B & N today headed for the table I now think of as "my office," one of the barristers was outside on her break. "How's the book going?" she shouted as I passed. Good question.

But it was a pretty good day. The new chapter seems to be humming and more importantly, I noticed a chapter I skipped. Really. I should have written something there to bring the reader up to speed - how did that happen?

But now I know and I can do some research in order to figure out just how the Arthurian legend gets into this book. And I can hope that his presence is a good idea.

When I got home Jim was still out at his coffee shop writing and I think his day is going well too. I just wish we finished up at the same time so we could hang out and play music. Most days I'm the problem, too involved in my story or my other projects to break easily. Today he's on a roll.

This can't be helped when you are both into writing and ideas. You can control the flow to some extent but when it's happening you better go for it. I'm glad he's hot on the trail of new knowledge right now. Eventually he'll pack it up and we will head to CJ's to hear some great jazz. In the meantime I think I'll get out the old uke and learn some new things on my own. I am currently loving Tom Waits' "Come on up to the House." He's got some true religion - that man.

May your writing go well. Ride that wave as long as it lasts, my friend. Read More 
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